Powerful recipe suggestions

These recipes are currently only available on the Slack product. We are working to add these functionalities to the MS Teams product.

Halp is an amazing tool without building out your recipes, but if you want a truly powerful and customized system, Recipes are the way to to go!

To help you out, we've curated some recipes here that we think are particularly useful.

Quick Assign to Agent:

In our Slack, we’ve uploaded custom emojis of each our our agent’s faces and have wired them up to set that ticket’s assignee. Example:

Quick Status Update:

In our Slack we have emoji triggers set up to quickly set a status. You can achieve this in the Edit Ticket dialog, but emojis are just more fun (and cooler, duh)!

Send Agent Tickets to Different Triage Channels

When you have multiple teams using Halp, it’s very convenient to create a routing rule to send Agent Tickets to a separate Triage Channel. Here is an example based on a custom field that the user selects when submitting a form. Our web app permissions mirror triage channel member permissions. If you’re not part of the #hr-triage channel in Slack, then you cannot view HR tickets in the Halp web app. For more info on routing tickets to separate triage channels, check out this article: How to create multiple triage channels to route tickets to different teams in Slack.

Sync a Subset of Tickets with an Integration

Halp offers easy ways to segment which tickets get synced with an external integration such as channel-based triggers. Here we have an example of a recipe where only certain tickets are sent to Zendesk. It’s based on this super cool concept referred to as “being organized”. 

Send Automated Message 

Here’s an example of a recipe that triggers an automated message based on who is assigned to the ticket.

Channel Based Routing for Severity

Easily segment tickets based on severity. This could be a field that the customer selects or an agent could trigger this with a separate recipe by using the 🔥emoji to set this value for example.

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