Set up a Queue in Teams

Updated by Jensen

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To create a queue, you first need to create an agent team (formerly triage team).

Create an agent team (formerly triage team)

Tips for Triage Teams:
- Naming conventions for Triage Teams are helpful - consider using something similar across all Triage Teams, like "[Team Name] - Triage"
- A Triage Team should always be private - membership of the Team in Teams is how Halp determines who is an Agent
- Once an Admin finishes configuring the Triage Team, members of the Triage Team will become Halp agents. This will affect your billing.
- If a user is already a member of an existing Triage Team, and therefore already a Halp Agent, you will not be double charged for them.

To set up a Triage Team, a Halp Admin must first add the Assist app to a private team in Teams.

  1. Create a new private team in Teams.
  2. Once you’ve created the new private team, use the ... and select Manage Team
  3. Select Apps > click More Apps > search for "Assist" in the upper left corner. Click on the Assist app, and select Add to Team
  4. You’ll receive a prompt from Assist confirming which Team you’re adding Halp to, and click Set up a bot to proceed.
  1. You'll receive a chat in Teams from Assist. The Chat will ask you whether you’re wanting to create an Agent channel (where agents can manage incoming tickets) or a Request channel (where users can ask for help and create new tickets). Select Agent channel.
  2. You'll receive a message telling you to go to Halp web to create the queue. Go to Halp web, then settings (the gear icon), then Queues.
  3. Select Create then follow the prompts. Use the private team you created in step 1.

Voilà! You've now both set-up your Triage Channel (where Agents will work on tickets) and created your Queue 🥳. Assist will then send you a new message in that same chat with a few options.

Queue Settings

When you click "Open Queue Settings", you'll be brought to the Halp web app. There, Admins can view or edit the following Queue-level information:

  • Configurations (edit)
  • Agents (view)
  • Fields (edit)
  • Forms (edit)
  • Statuses (edit)
  • SLAs (edit)


  • Hide Queue during Ticket creation: Users can create tickets in places that are not tied to a specific Queue. This happens when a user creates a ticket using Assist App home & DMs. When this happens, Assist will suggest a list of all Queues for the ticket to be created in. 
    • When enabled, the Queue will not appear in the list of suggested Queues to create a ticket in.
    • When disabled, the Queue will appear in the list of suggested Queues to create a ticket in.


In the Queue settings, you're able to view the Agents who have access to the Queue. Agents are the members of a channel that is designated as the Triage Channel for a particular Queue. You may add and remove agents directly from Teams. Dive deeper into user roles.


This setting is hidden in both Jira-enabled queues and for customers with Halp's legacy Jira integration. When a queue is connected to a Jira project, you must configure auto-assignment via Jira automation.

Auto-assign automatically assigns tickets to agents on a rotating basis, eliminating the need to do it manually. To get started, turn on this setting and select the agents you'd like to include in the rotation.

How auto-assignment works

  • When enabled, tickets assign automatically to the next agent in the rotation.
  • This feature only takes into account unassigned tickets. It won't assign tickets that already belong to an agent.
  • Auto-assignment runs after any recipes or Zendesk workflows you may have set up already.


This setting is hidden in Jira Enabled Queues. When a Queue is connect to a Jira project, all fields are maintained in Jira.

Halp has Global Fields and Queue Fields.

  • Global Fields are fields that appear in every queue (i.e. title)
  • Queue Fields are fields that only appear in their Queue.

Note: If you are creating fields to sync with Zendesk, please follow this doc.


This setting is hidden in Jira Enabled Queues. When a Queue is connect to a Jira project, all forms are maintained in Jira.

Queues can have an unlimited number of forms. Forms are a collection of global and/or queue fields. You must always have at least 1 form on each queue.

Forms populate in a few places.

  • If a ticket is created via the Assist App Home where a Queue is not defined
  • In a Request Team that is connected to a Queue

Creating a Form

  1. Navigate to Queues -> Forms
  2. Click Create
  3. Add any Queue Fields and Global Fields you would like to include on a form (you can mark certain fields as required).


This setting is hidden in Jira Enabled Queues. When a Queue is connect to a Jira project, all statuses are maintained in Jira.

Ticket statuses live at the Queue level and can be edited from the Queue Settings page. There are three status categories:

  • Open: Tickets that are created and/or waiting for support
  • In-Progress: Tickets that are pending or awaiting customer response
  • Done: Tickets that are closed or completed

When a new Queue is created, the following default Status settings are in place:

  • Three default statuses available (one per category): Open / Pending / Closed. You can add additional statuses to those categories, but you must keep at least one in the Open and Done categories.
  • When a ticket is created, it will be assigned the default status in the Open category. 
  • If you click the “Close Ticket” button in Slack, the ticket status will change to the default Done status.
  • The Status color will be grey. You can change the color of each status to better reflect your team's preferences.

Note: If you are connecting tickets in this queue to Zendesk, make sure the statuses match exactly


An SLA (Service Level Agreement) are rules that you can set for your teams to ensure tickets are being handled in a timely manner. Halp SLAs can track when SLAs are breached, and send a message to the ticket and triage channel before it breaches. Learn more about SLAs.

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