Recipe Best Practices

Updated by Paulene Nguyen

Halp recipes are a powerful feature that allow you to trigger different actions.

While they are pretty straightforward, there are a few things to keep in mind while creating recipes.

Halp Recipes are global!

Halp Recipes will impact all tickets and Queues.

For example, if you add a recipe that assigns a ticket to the agent who added the 👀 emoji. That will be live in every queue.

Multistep recipes:

If you want to have a single trigger to do multiple actions, (aka a 🎫 creates a ticket, assigns a ticket, and sends it to jira) you need to have 3 recipes for that.

Routing Recipes will be visible on the Recipe Builder and in Queues

A routing recipe is a recipe that “sends a ticket to a queue.” This can mean two things:

  1. When a ticket is created with a certain trigger (field value, integration, emoji, etc) it will send the ticket to that Queue
  2. When a certain trigger is used (emoji, value change, assignee set), it will remove the ticket from the current Queue, and move it to the new one. In Slack, the ticket will completely leave the first triage channel and repost in the new triage channel.

Emoji based Routing Recipes will override Queue settings

If you are using an emoji as a routing recipe, and as a recipe to “create a ticket in Halp”, using that emoji in a channel associated with another Queue will override that Queue's settings and show the settings related to the emoji’s associated Queue.

i.e. I have two recipes set up with the 📝 emoji

  • When a message is marked with an 📝 emoji, create a ticket in Halp
  • When a message is marked with an 📝 emoji, send the ticket to the "Legal Helpdesk" Queue

Connecting Jira/Zendesk to Halp

There are two ways integration-based tickets can be set up: 1) Tickets created in Halp can be sent to the integration; 2) Tickets from the integration can be sent to Halp.


  1. Sending Tickets from Halp to an Integration:
  • When [halp trigger]*, sync the ticket with an integration.
  1. Sending Tickets from an Integration to Halp:
  • When a ticket is created from an integration, create a ticket in Halp.
  • When a ticket is created from an integration, send the ticket to a specific Queue (if you have >1 Queue)

*Learn more about Halp triggers here: Recipe Basics

*SLACK-SPECIFIC: Keep in mind there are 3 main ways for a ticket to get created via Slack. Form, Emoji, & Message Action. If you want tickets to go to an integration in all these scenarios, you need to either 1) make a single recipe with the trigger “When a ticket is created in halp”, or make recipes for each individual trigger.

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