Ticket Deflection - Auto Create Tickets in Any Channel

Updated by Jensen

Answers is not currently available on our Microsoft Teams product.

Ticket deflection is here! You can now set up any channel in Slack to auto-create tickets. Whenever someone posts into that channel, a ticket will automatically be created and auto suggest answers (if you have answers available).

With this set up, instead of manually adding the 🎫(:ticket:) emoji, the bot will add a ⚡(:zap:) emoji automatically to the message posted in your set Deflection Channel.

If this Deflection Channel is connected to a Queue that requires forms, prior to a ticket being made, the requester must select and fill out a form (see below):

How to set up:
  1. In the Settings page, select Ticket Deflection.

  1. Select which channel, or channels, you would like to enable automatic ticket creation in.
  1. Go post a message into that channel and confirm that it created a ticket automatically. Halp will open a thread, add the ticket message, and also react to the original message with a ⚡. If you require forms in this queue, you will have to select and fill out a form for the ticket to be created.

  1. If the question matches the keywords in an Answer, the requester will be prompted with a carousel of matches. The user can cycle through the suggested answers and choose the correct answer.
  1. After the requester chooses their answer they can resolve the ticket or request more help.
  1. On the agent ticket in the Triage Channel, the Halp bot will log the customer events for a record on the ticket.

  1. If you would like to add a new answer, just add a 📖 (:book:) emoji to your new answer and "Finish it". Next time someone asks that question, they will be prompted with your new answer!

Only Deflect During Non-Working Hours

If you only want tickets to be deflected during Non-Working hours. Enable the toggle. Make sure that you have working hours enabled by going to General > Working Hours. If this setting is on, deflection channels will behave just like all other channels in Halp. If you would want to make a ticket out of a message you will have to add the 🎫 (or your configured emoji).

Sending a Message in a Deflection Channel Without Making a Ticket

Sometimes it's nice to be able to send a message in a deflection channel without making a ticket. For example, if you want to make an announcement to the channel. To do so, prepend your message with the 📣(:mega:) emoji.

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