Jira automation and Halp

Updated by Paulene Nguyen

Using Halp with Jira automation can make for some pretty powerful workflows. Some of the most popular ones people set up are the following:

Flip the summary and description

  • When: an issue is created
  • (optional filter) Creator = Halp
  • Then: Edit issue fields
    • Description = {{triggerissue.summary}}
  • Then: Edit issue fields
    • summary = Halp Request from {{reporter.displayName}}

Set resolution for tickets closed via Halp

  • When: an issue is transitions = Resolved
  • Resolution = Unresolved
  • Then: Edit issue fields
    • Resolution = Done

Set organizations in Jira for Halp tickets

  • When: an issue is created
  • Creator = Halp
  • Then: Edit issue fields
    • Organizations = use reporters email domain

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