Connect (or disconnect) a Jira Project

Updated by Jensen

This doc is reflective of our new integration setup. If you're still on the legacy setup and would like to switch to our updated integration experience, please review this FAQ and "Opt In" when you are ready.

Connecting a Jira Project to Halp

To connect a Jira Project to a Halp Queue, you need to be a Halp Global Admin or Queue Admin and a Jira Project Admin.

To connect a Jira Project, you have to first connect a Jira Site:
- Connecting a Jira Cloud Site
- Connecting a Jira Server/DC Site
Once you connect a Queue to a Jira Project, you will no longer be able to edit Halp Fields, Forms, or Statues on that Queue. This is all managed in your Jira Project’s settings and synced back to Halp.
  1. Navigate to the Queues you would like to connect to a Jira Project (Settings->Queues->[Queue Name]: [subdomain][queue#]
  1. Click Connect to Jira and select the Jira Site and Jira Project you would like to connect to this Queue.
  2. Select the Request or Issue types you want to connect to this Halp queue and select the ticket creation behavior.

A form (and associated fields) will be created for each content type.

What is ticket creation behavior?

One-way to Jira = Tickets created in Slack/Teams/Halp will be created in Jira

One-way to Slack = Tickets created in Jira will also be created in Slack/Teams/Halp

Two-way = Tickets will be created in both directions.

  1. If any of the request/issue types failed to sync or synced with a warning, we will outline those errors (as detailed below)

These types were connected, but use one or more unsupported custom fields that will not sync:

When we sync a request/issue type, we recreate the intake form in Halp. If that form has a field that is not supported in Halp, we will omit it from the form.

Unsupported fields include: Organizations, Epic Links, Insight Fields, and Attachments.

Form behavior in Jira-connected queues

In a request channel, if a queue only has one request/issue type with no required fields — other than summary — Assist won't require a form to be filled out. Instead, Assist will immediately create an issue with the request/issue type linked to that queue.

If you’re unexpectedly seeing a form, navigate to your Jira Project settings and ensure there are no required fields other than summary. In Jira Service Management, this can be found on the request types customer form. In Jira Software, you can edit this in the issue type’s field configuration settings.

If you want a form, either add a second request/issue type or navigate to your Jira Project settings and mark a field other than summary as required. In Jira Service Management, this can be found on the request types customer form. In Jira Software, you can edit this in the issue type’s field configuration settings.

Halp does not support

Insight Fields
URL Fields
Attachments on customer form
Links (aka epic link/linked issues/parent)
Date/Time Fields (we only support Date)

Disconnecting a Jira Project from Halp

To disconnect a Jira Project from Halp Queue, you must first /remove the bot from your Slack Triage Channel or MS Teams Triage Team.

The Queue also cannot be your “Default Queue”. You must first make a different Halp queue your default (done from the Queue Settings).

On the connected queue, click "Disconnect". This will disconnect the project and archive the queue.

Disconnecting a Jira Request/Issue Type from Halp

To disconnect a Jira Request/Issue Type from Halp Queue, the Request/Issue Type cannot be your last type on this Queue. You must first add another Request/Issue Type from this Project.

On the connected queue, under "Connections" click the unlink icon next to the Request Type you would like to remove.

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