Can I Use Halp in Shared Slack Channels (Slack Connect)?

One common use case for Halp is to track requests that arise in Slack Connect, also known as Shared Slack Channels. Shared Channels are a great way for B2B companies or MSPs to provide high-touch support in Slack, and Halp allows all those requests to be tracked and managed.

In order to use Halp with Slack Connect, you follow the same steps as any standard set up, with a few slight differences.

  1. Set up at least 1 private triage channel for your Agents to manage requests
  2. If you are using a Halp integration (Zendesk is a common one for this use case), connect that.
  3. Create any forms/fields you want customers to fill out when they are submitting a ticket (you don't have to do this but it is common). You can also set forms to be required for emoji requests on that Queue if you'd like customers to always fill out a form.
  4. Invite the Assist App into each of the channels that you share with customers. We recommend having 1 public channel for each customer, but Halp also works if the channels are private or if you have one channel with multiple customers.
There are a few caveats to be aware of:
  • We recommend having the invitation to share a channel be initiated by your organization. This makes it so your organization is the primary owner of the channel and ensures we are able to receive events from Slack's API.
  • Requesters in the shared channel will not be able to use Slash Commands, Slack Shortcuts, or App Home to create tickets. As a result, using an emoji on a message is the only way for requesters to make a ticket. You can choose whether they can do this themselves and whether it launches a form in your Queue settings.
  • Requesters will be asked to sign in to Halp the first time they create a ticket. Slack's API does not give us access to their email address until they sign in with Halp.

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